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General Operating Procedures


1.1 Shanwick Control Positions

Shanwick Oceanic Control manages en-route traffic in the Shanwick OCA.

Designator Relief Coordination Name VHF Alias Frequency HF Frequency
NAT_FSS NAT__FSS NAT Bandbox 131.900 5.649
EGGX_CTR EGGX__CTR Shanwick 131.800 6.547
EGGX_A_CTR EGGX_1_CTR Shanwick Alpha 131.450 8.906
EGGX_B_CTR EGGX_2_CTR Shanwick Bravo 131.550 2.899
EGGX_C_CTR EGGX_3_CTR Shanwick Charlie 131.650 8.879
EGGX_D_CTR EGGX_4_CTR Shanwick Delta 131.750 10.021
EGGX_F_CTR EGGX_5_CTR Shanwick Foxtrot 131.850 6.622

1.2 Shanwick Delivery Positions

Shanwick Delivery provides oceanic clearance delivery for aircraft initially entering oceanic airspace in the Shanwick OCA.

Designator Relief Coordination Name VHF Frequency
EGGX_DEL EGGX__ DEL Shanwick Delivery 127.650
EGGX_A_ DEL EGGX_1_ DEL Shanwick Delivery Alpha 127.900
EGGX_B_ DEL EGGX_2_ DEL Shanwick Delivery Bravo 123.950
EGGX_C_ DEL EGGX_3_ DEL Shanwick Delivery Charlie 124.175
EGGX_D_ DEL EGGX_4_ DEL Shanwick Delivery Delta 126.375
EGGX_F_ DEL EGGX_5_ DEL Shanwick Delivery Foxtrot 128.375

1.3 Radiotelephony Callsigns

On VATSIM, the following callsigns may be used:
▪ HF Frequencies (may utilise VHF alias on VATSIM): "Shanwick Radio".
▪ VHF Frequencies for clearance delivery: “Shanwick Oceanic” or "Shanwick Radio".

NAT Bandbox shall use the appropriate callsign for Shanwick or Gander, depending on the position of the aircraft.

1.4 Splitting Procedures

EGGX_CTR must be staffed before any other Shanwick position can be manned.

Due to the variable nature of the NAT routings, division of responsibility between controllers is not published. Splits which divide the OCAs north/south should be agreed between the relevant controllers and coordinated with adjacent sectors. It is also not uncommon for controllers to implement another split (e.g. Clearance, Track Controller).

1.5 Extended Coverage

NAT_FSS covers the Shanwick and Gander OCAs when local ATC is offline

Last update: February 20, 2025