The following guidance is provided to highlight differences between domestic and oceanic phraseology. It is intended to complement phraseology examples in the North Atlantic Operations and Airspace Manual (NAT Doc 007).
1.1 General
Standard Radiotelephony
Airports & ICAO Codes
Individual phonetic letters, e.g. TBPB – “tango bravo papa bravo” or unique airport name, e.g. EGAA - “Belfast Aldergrove”
Mach Number
“Mach decimal eight-five”
Individual numbers, e.g. 1330 - “one three three zero”
NAT Track
Phonetic letters e.g. Track A – “track alpha”
2 individual digits e.g. 51N – “five one north”
2 or 3 individual digits e.g. 030W – “(zero) three zero west”
1.2 Oceanic Clearance
General Notes
If the NAT Track is the same one specified in the flight plan, it is not required to be stated in the request. If it is not, pilots will add the phrase “now requesting track __”.
Pilots may optionally add the phrase “second choice track __”.
Maximum flight level may be the same as the requested level.
If the clearance is not as requested, the pilot must be informed using the phrase “oceanic clearance with a _____ change”. Refer to Changes to Requested Clearance.
Whilst providing an oceanic clearance, aircraft are often still in domestic airspace where the oceanic controller is not the controlling authority.
The callsign “Shanwick (or Gander) Oceanic” is included in the clearance to indicate the clearance came from the controlling authority.
Controllers should not provide the TMI in the clearance but should ensure the pilot provides it in the readback. TMI is not required from aircraft on a random routing.
Concorde phraseology is different.
1.2.1 Via NAT Tracks
Shanwick Radio, ACA849, request oceanic clearance
Shanwick Radio
ACA849, Shanwick Radio
ACA849, request oceanic clearance; estimating ETARI at 1154, request M080, FL360, able FL370
Shanwick Radio
ACA849, Shanwick Radio, roger, standby for oceanic clearance
A short delay is reasonable to check the requested clearance for conflicts
Shanwick Radio
ACA849, Shanwick Radio, oceanic clearance with a level change
Shanwick Radio
Shanwick Oceanic clears ACA849 to CYYT via track A, from ETARI maintain FL370, M080.
ACA849 is cleared to CYYT via track A. From ETARI maintain FL370, M080, TMI 071.
Shanwick Radio
ACA849 correct, return to domestic frequency.
1.2.2 Via Random Route
Shanwick Radio, TOM124, request oceanic clearance
Shanwick Radio
TOM124, Shanwick Radio
TOM124, request oceanic clearance, estimating DINIM at 1024, request M085, FL400, able FL410
Shanwick Radio
TOM124, roger, standby for oceanic clearance
A short delay is reasonable to check the requested clearance for conflicts
Shanwick Radio
TOM124, Shanwick Radio, oceanic clearance.
Shanwick Radio
Shanwick Oceanic clears TOM124 to TBPB via DINIM 49N020W, 44N030W, 36N040W, 31N045W, 25N050W, FISST. From DINIM maintain FL400, M085.
TOM124 is cleared to TBPB via DINIM 49N020W, 44N030W, 36N040W, 31N045W, 25N050W, FISST. From DINIM maintain FL400, M085.
Shanwick Radio
TOM124, correct, return to domestic frequency.
1.2.3 Changes to Requested Clearance
Amendment Phraseology Description
Amendment Type
Change, deletion or addition of a waypoint other than the entry point.
Level Change
Level in the clearance is not the same as the requested level.
Speed Change
Speed in the clearance is not the same as the requested speed.
Entry Point Change
Change of oceanic entry point.
Clearance Limit Change
Change of clearance limit.
1.2.4 Time Restrictions
Time restrictions should not be applied unless required for separation. They should be appended to the oceanic clearance and must be read back, but may be issued separately.
...cross ETARI not later than time 1155
...cross ETARI not before time 1155
1.3 Initial Check-in with Oceanic Controller
1.3.1 ADS-B Equipped Aircraft
General Notes
When requesting a SELCAL check, pilots are not required to state the SELCAL code.
Frequencies for the next sector may be provided on first contact, although the risk of the pilot incorrectly changing frequency immediately must be considered. If required, this can be delayed to a separate transmission closer to the next sector boundary.
The phrase “monitor this frequency” can be used to highlight the requirement to maintain a listening watch on the current frequency prior to contacting the next sector.
Aircraft that are not ADS-B equipped will check in with a position report and request for SELCAL check. After the last position report in the current sector is received, contact details for the next sector shall be provided.
Shanwick Radio, TOM124, Santa Maria next, request SELCAL check.
Shanwick Radio
TOM124, Shanwick Radio, [at 45N contact Santa Maria on 132.075], standby for SELCAL check.
Aircraft that are not ADS-B equipped will check in with a position report and request for SELCAL check, followed by position reports passing each waypoint.
After the last position report in the current sector is received, contact details for the next sector shall be provided.
Pilots are not required to include their current/cleared Mach number in a position report, unless a speed change (via an amended clearance) has occurred since the previous position report.
Shanwick, TOM124, position.
Shanwick Radio
TOM124, Shanwick Radio
TOM124, DINIM at 1025, FL400, estimating 49N020W at 1131, next 44N030W.
Shanwick Radio
TOM124, [reads back position report]
1.4 Revisions/Amendments
General Notes
Instructions to report leaving or report reaching are optional and should be appended to the climb instruction if required.
Amended clearances may include a geographic or time restriction whereby the instruction may only be commenced after a certain point/time or alternatively must be complied with prior to a certain point/time.
The same format is used for speed/route changes, with the phraseology “Amended speed/route clearance…”
Gander Radio, ACA849, amended level clearance
Gander Radio
Gander Oceanic
ACA849, Gander Oceanic clears ACA849, climb to and maintain FL430.
ACA849, climb to and maintain FL430.
Gander Radio
ACA849, correct.
1.4.1 Operations Without A Fixed Speed (OWAFS)
General Notes
Refer to OWAFS
Shanwick Radio, EIN155, amended speed clearance.
Shanwick Radio
Shanwick Oceanic
EIN155, Shanwick Oceanic clears EIN155, resume normal speed.
EIN155, resume normal speed.
Shanwick Radio
EIN155, correct.
1.4.2 Revised Estimate
General Notes
If the ETA for any waypoint changes by more than 3 minutes, aircraft must provide a revised estimate.
Gander Radio, ACA849, revised estimate.
Gander Radio
ACA849 estimating 5140N at 1334
Gander Radio
ACA849, Gander Radio copies estimating 5140N at 1334.