Gander Website
myCZQO provides a dashboard to manage your profile with Gander Oceanic, view your certification and activity status, get support from staff, and change your site preferences.
Accessing myCZQO
To access myCZQO, login with your VATSIM account and click on myCZQO
in the Navigation Bar.

Your Profile
The Your Profile tab will show by default. Here you can:

- View and edit your display name
- See your rating, region, (sub)division, and website role
- Access your Certification & Activity
- View and change your avatar
- Manage your discord account
Your VATSIM information is automatically updated from VATSIM Connect every time you login to the website, as well as quarterly during our website data update.
Your avatar can be a custom image, your initials (default), or your Discord avatar. To change it, click on the avatar circle on your profile.
Certification and Activity
This page shows your current Certification and Activity status within Gander Oceanic, including hours logged, as well as individual positions logged.

NOTE: Controllers are required to complete a minimum of 60 minutes controlling during a calendar period in order to retain certification into the new year.
Discord Server
Gander Oceanic has a Discord which all members of VATSIM are welcome to join. Your discord account must be linked to myCZQO before you can access the server.
- Link Discord with myCZQO
- Join Discord through the
Join Discord
Roles within the Discord are updated hourly, so you may not gain all of your roles immediatley, however you will be able to access the discord general channels immediatley.
Display Name
You can change how your name is displayed in Gander Oceanic according to VATSIM CoC section A4. To change your display name, click on your name (next to the avatar). You will be presented with a dialog where you can change your first name or change which parts of your name are displayed. Gander Oceanic will never share the CERT first name.
Support & Feedback
At Gander Oceanic, we greatly value the input of our community in order to further the simulation experience on the VATSIM Network. You can submit feedback about a Controller, or any aspect of Gander Oceanic here

Training Portal
The Training Portal is where all information about your Endorsement will be displayed while you undergo training, inclusive of any Training sessions or session notes which an Instructor makes available for you.